Watching the news earlier, this story of the woman receiving butt injections of cement, "Fix-A-Flat," and mineral oil caught my eye. According to the Huffington Post, the victim, a woman who was working at nightclub began to search for someone who could perform the operation for her at a cheap price when she ran across 30-year old Oneal Rob Morris, who was born as a man but identifies himself as a woman. Photographed above, Morris is a fairly petite woman with an abnormally sized buttocks. The most recent victim of Morris who is not named due to medical privacy, paid $700 for a series of injections in May 2010. Morris allegedly injected several toxic types of injections in the victim's buttocks and continued to reassure the woman that everything would be fine as the pain became more and more intense. Reluctant to seek medical attention, the victim finally visited two South Florida hospital embarrassed to share her story. Now in recovery, the victim reports that it is too painful for her to work and she has also accumulated a numerous amount of medical bills. Morris has been arrested and charged with practicing medicine without a license with serious bodily injury.
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